Issue #26

October 3rd 2023

Issue 26 of D365 Marketing Weekly

Wow, we are at 6 months for this newsletter with nearly 1,500 subscribers. Thank you to everyone who has shared, liked, subscribed and sent me links you have found. It’s very much appreciated! A ton of great content in this issue, lots going on!

As always, if you spot anything you think would be worth a mention, just let me know by emailing [email protected]. Always good to know of others posting about D365 Marketing or if you see anything else other marketers should know about.

Now let’s get on with the newsletter!

D365 Marketing

The following relate to news and articles about Dynamics 365 Marketing

September 2023 Update


Seems a bit weird to share information on the September release for Marketing/CIJ in October, BUT the information was only recently added to the page, so a bit of a delay. As always, a ton added with 3 items with general availability, 4 in public preview and 8 monthly enhancements. Make sure to check it out!

September 2023 Update

Personalized journeys with weather condition


This one is blinking marvellous! I love this post from Pauline, all about creating a personalised journey with information about the current weather. She uses a default connector option in Power Automate for MSN Weather and passes it through in to a custom trigger. It’s wonderful, and one of my favourite use cases so far with Real-time Journeys, so kudos to you Pauline!

Personalized journeys with weather condition

Real-World Benefits - Instant Communications


The next blog in the series from Kelly, all about the real world benefits of D365 Marketing, and this time it covers instant communications and how we can use custom triggers to help us keep customers, prospects and even candidates up to date as soon as data changes.

minimalist photography of three crank phones

Use Copilot to create a journey – Dynamics 365 Marketing


In this blog, Nishant has taken a look at a new feature using Copilot, and that is to use it to create a journey for us using natural language. Interesting to see it in action but I will be curious how much this feature is used out in the real world!

Use Copilot to create a journey – Dynamics 365 Marketing

Verify Email Address Input On Real-time Marketing Form


Often on web forms you will have the email address field, then another one to ask the submitter to confirm their email again. The two fields will be used to validate and make sure they are the same. I was asked if it could be done with a marketing form in D365 Marketing/Customer Insights and the answer is yes, with just a little bit of JavaScript! You will need to have an additional field to use to compare the two values then you are on your way. Let’s take a look to see how it can be achieved.

8 Ways To Use Standard Event Based Triggers In Your Realtime Journeys


There are three out of the box standard triggers that relate to Events in Customer Insights Journeys (D365 Marketing). One for an Event Registration Created, one for Event Registration Cancelled and one for an Event Check-In. When building your Journeys to cover an Event, all three can be used in a combination of ways and in different places. This post will walk through when they can be used to enter or exit a journey, on if/then branches, set wait time frames or to create custom goals. Let’s take a look!


If there are any upcoming events relating to Marketing, they will go here!

Power Conference 2023


This event is in the Czech Republic on December 1st 2023. There are already some fantastic speakers lined up with more to follow! It’s not far from Prague in Kalin. If you can make it and also fancy a wonderful Winter trip to this beautiful country, check it out!

gray concrete bridge near buildings

NZ Business Applications Summit


This event is in a country I have always wanted to visit, New Zealand. If you are lucky enough to live on that side of the world or EVEN LUCKIER and can get to go with work, this one might be for you. It’s going to be a hybrid event across Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and even Microsoft Teams. It’s November 24th 2023.

aerial view of city buildings during sunset

Other Content

Other Marketing content you might find useful

From Microsoft to global brands, Dynamics 365 Copilot is helping transform customer experiences across service, sales, and marketing


If you love Copilot, or even are a bit curious, this may be of interest. A blog from Emily He, Corporate Vice President of Business Applications Marketing at Microsoft. In it she shares information about the most widely used scenarios and performance metrics from employees at Microsoft and leading organisations using Copilot capabilities.

From Microsoft to global brands, Dynamics 365 Copilot is helping transform customer experiences across service, sales, and marketing

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